Cool Mask of Self-Control to Come Off

Allowing the Cool Mask of Self-Control to Come Off (Rising Pressure)

(Cool Mask of Self-Control to Come Off)

Looking around in our environment are people who generally appear sane and in control of their lives.

But let’s examine them through this little experiment, put any of them in stressful circumstances with rising pressure you will see a different reality.

In these circumstances now, you will see the cool mask of self-control coming off, exposing a level of paranoid streak, hypersensitivity, and often petty attitudes.

This is because, under stress, the most primitive parts of the brain are exposed, engaged, and aroused, which overwhelms people’s reasoning power.

That is why it is an agreed way to judge their true character. Stress or tension can reveal flaws in people that they have carefully concealed from others’ view.

To put this under control, I suggest you do these:

i). Watch yourself carefully whenever you notice rising pressure and stress levels in your life.
ii). Any signs of unusual bitterness or sensitivity should be monitored.
iii). Apply as much detachment as possible, and as well find time and space to be alone.
iv). Do not confuse yourself by imagining that you are someone who can withstand rising stress without emotional leaks. Not possible at all.

But if you become observant and carefully aware and reflect on the circumstances that caused it, I promise you can prevent yourself from making decisions you will regret at last.

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