Basics of Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), Firewalls, and DNS
Basics of Virtual Private Clouds
You created a VPN tunnel to access your database securely and then replicated every routing detail using rootcloud router. Image description below:

Hi there. I am Philip Santus, a Web Programmer, developer, and writer.
Join me on this journey and let’s learn together.
So, in this article, we will understand virtual private cloud. We will learn the following according to the image below:


VPC is the fundamental platform on top of all the various cloud platforms or cloud technologies running today.
VPC, a virtual private cloud, provides us access to all the cloud infrastructure and networks.
This is a common concept which is used across different cloud technologies, but we will understand it concerning Google Cloud Platform.
We will understand what a VPC is. We will understand its features and what the different components we have in Google Cloud Platform, the VPC product.
And then at the end we will take a use case and we will try to understand it through a real example. So without wasting any more time, let’s get started.
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So let’s understand what is a VPC. Suppose there is a new startup company, XYZ, which is trying to establish its office in a city. And this company wants to set up its IT data center within the premises.
So, what will they do? They will —